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We found a bug with the rc.dsmcad_edited. Bug: ${0##*/} as variable for file naming fails in RH6. Not tested in RH7.
This is due to the fact that when running it as user, everything is fine. When it's run by boot, ${0##*/} become runlevel+filename. Then you get "S95dsmcad-first" as LOCKFILE/PIDFILE name.
When checking the service with /etc/init.d/dsmcad-first status, is concluded that there are no LOCKFILE/PIDFILE named dsmcad-first. Resulting in the result that the service isn't running (but it is running)
We edited the file to;
# Edit these variable according to your environment
Attachment (Description): Modified rc.dsmcad RC script. Supports multiple dsmcad processes. A service stop command will only kill the specified dsmcad process.
If you have multiple dsmcad processes running on a server you are affected by this lack of functionality. If you issue a service dsmcad stop command, you will kill all dsmcad processes running, not just the intended one.
I have uploaded a modified copy of the rc.dsmcad script for review and use. It is unsupported.
Another way to do this that would actually make the RC script less complex would be for the dsmcad binary create the PID files at start-up. That way all the RC script has to do is read the file to get the PID and kill the process.
I will upload a copy of the rc.dsmcad script we modified for our use.
This request is a candidate for a future generally available (GA) release. IBM's statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM's sole discretion. IBM will update this request to reflect any changes.