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I forgot to link the case from which this idea is issued : TS014021259
It is far better to remove a storage system from the topology, in my opinion, during a planned event window. This means the customer schedules for the removal of the storage system at which time they can manually Suspend, Recover and then restart the CSM session. When you issue the recover CSM will terminate the Master such that on the restart the topology will be rebuilt without the old subordinate that is no longer in use.
In other words the steps to remove a primary storage system from a Global Mirror session are:
1. Remove all copy sets pertaining to that storage system from the session
2. Plan a time when the Global Mirror session can be Suspended meaning cg formation is temporarily paused.
3. Remove the control paths from the port pairing file
4. Issue the Suspend command to the session.
5. Issue the Recover command to the session.
6. Issue the corresponding Start Hx->Hy command to the session to restart the session in the same direction it was previously running.
7. Now the storage system can be safely removed from the environment.