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This also appears to be a duplicate of
Just to clarify, while the performance guide(s) for SP/TSM say this:
"Only one producer session per file system compares attributes for incremental backup. Incremental backup throughput does not improve for a single file system with a small amount of changed data"
Selective backups also seem to use only one producer thread as well, even at 8.1.4 client (current), but my test system is not large enough to say this with certainty.
I find that in conjunction with flash you are often limited by the TSM client disabling the TCP/IP autotuning by default, giving abysmal per-session network speeds. Multiple sessions is a workaround in those cases, but fixing the broken network settings is preferred when possible.
See for related RFE (and workaround).
The best way to do this would likely be, instead of traversing directories, add them to the same queue that filesystems get added to. This way, the performance monitor thread could still manage producers and consumers in the same way.
That might require MEMORYEFFICIENT=BIGDISK so that a second queue file is created for directories.
We would still have problems with a huge directory (getdents / getdirent doesn't run in parallel), but it should work fairly well for large numbers of small directories (no fork/free and no tcp drop/reconnect.)
Do you know the solution in my previous post?
This will be especially useful in today's environments where flash and 10 Gbps and faster networks are available. These automated multiple sesions capability should not only apply to backups but restores also. I have 2 customers here in Australia who are asking for the same thing.