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Thanks for precisions around existing ability of our currently used version (CSM 6.3.4) , may be some precion about our context can help higlight why we cannot used it
Our use case is "supplyer of storage service" throught the "DS8K and CSM advance function" to an " end user" companyB, who users have no tenant in the Ldap of company A.
The exemple is done using "company A" and "company B" to ease the understanding.
Our reality is "Company A" have the " keep alive and material ownership" of "DS8K and CSM", and we are proposing services ( around Z/OS storage) to up to 10 others companies, the level of SLA can differ from
1) CompanyA handle full z/OS system activities ( Storage / network/ security/ db2 /CISC...) for client companyx
2) CompanyA supply only "bare CKD volumes" to for client companyy who still have the ( network/ security/ db2 /CISC...). on there hand
and other company z. can have many declinaisons between the above two extreme described SLA.
This is a very common way of doing consolidation for big shops having "z/Os and DS8K, and CSM" to lower the TCO .
Currently we ever used the LDAP Authentication but at "Group Level" only as it is easyer to handle "incoming /offload of storage admin". at tha level. The point is the current function is suit 50% of our expectation from you return
i understand "filtering pattern" is a much "higher/difficult cost" improvement than having ability to do "Customized list" if you asking us to class between both, we would ask for a "customized list" as we can implement "pattern filtering" more or less as you describe
You can then setup alerting for various sessions and scheduled tasks based off a "user" as opposed to a list of email addresses. When you do this, that "user" will only get alerts for sessions/tasks that they can see. So in a multi-tenancy environment, you can set this user as an Operator only allowing them to see certain sessions and get alerts for ONLY those sessions.
Please let me know if this actually meets the requirement you're looking for...or it you do really want a pattern matching way to configure alerts. Seems like setting up an alert per user might be easier than pattern matching, but want to make sure I'm not missing what you're looking for.
See the following blog that discusses this feature that was added to the 6.3.3 CSM release.