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This is partially delivered as of Spectrum Protect 8.1.2:
* NDMP data can be saved into directory-containers.
* Container pool blocks can be sent to a remote server directory-containers.
Not Delivered:
* NDMP inventory (FILEDATA) cannot be sent with REPLICATE NODE.
* TOC cannot be sent into any type of containers, nor replicated.
* NDMP or PROTECT data cannot be moved into cloud-containers by any method.
* No additional handling of NDMP on tape.
* No other pool type would be able to copy NDMP data to another server.
* Recovery of NDMP nodes from the target server would not be possible.
For NDMP received into FILE, DISK, or CONTAINER storage, the ability to REPLICATE NODE would probably still be possible after testing. Restrictions on source and target pool types would need to be enacted.
For NDMP received into TAPE storage, it is unlikely that REPLICATE NODE will be able to handle the data any time soon. SP provides the tape, and position, but the data payloads are raw, without being chunked. There are no bitfiles, no aggregates. This is confirmed by the fact that RECLAIM STGPOOL also will not processes *DUMP format tapes.
For SP to be able to replicate that, it would need to read into NetApp's dump format, and maintain awareness of all of the changes in that format over time. The initial and ongoing workload for such a features would be high, as would the liability risk.
I don't speak for IBM. I'm just giving my 2 cents.