Currently FCM supports ksh and bash as Unix/Linux shell. Some customers standardized the csh shell in their environment due to SAP history. Unfortunately some scripts which perform recovery on the clone system (during FCM cloning) fail if the database user runs in a csh shell.
Example output looks like this:
host:orafm1 19> ./fcmcli -f refresh_clone -u orafm2 -C FM2
IBM Tivoli Storage FlashCopy(R) Manager offload agent
- Version 2, Release 2, Level 1.0 for Linux x86_64 -
Build: 474X generated on Dec 7 2010
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 2000, 2010, All Rights Reserved.
FMM0005I Start of program at: Thu 19 May 2011 04:12:07 PM CEST.
FMM1174I Checking the clone system status of the database FM2.
FMM1175I Successfully checked the clone system status of the database FM2.
FMM1174I Checking the clone system status of the database FM1.
FMM1175I Successfully checked the clone system status of the database FM1.
FMM8800I The command is: unmount
FMM6501I Initializing 'unmount' request.
FMM6502I Executing 'unmount' request.
FMM6555I Selected snapshot backup with ID 'FM1,ORCL__,A0GNVRQ5EZ'.
FMM6503I Terminating 'unmount' request.
FMM6557I The 'unmount' request for database 'ORCL__' processed successfully.
FMM1170I Cloning database FM1.
FMM6201I Checking status of database.
FMM6225I Create database parameter file '/oracle/FM1/102_64/dbs/initFM1.ora_fromSPfile' from SPfile.
FMM6223I Detected control file: /oracle/FM1/origlogA/cntrl/cntrlFM1.dbf
FMM6223I Detected control file: /oracle/FM1/origlogB/cntrl/cntrlFM1.dbf
FMM6223I Detected control file: /oracle/FM1/sapdata1/cntrl/cntrlFM1.dbf
FMM8300I tsmACSInitialize() returned with code 0.
FMM8300I tsmACSBeginOperation() returned with code 0.
FMM1510I New connection received from host fcm1.
FMM1514I *****> Device client connected.
FMM6219I Backup to Tivoli Storage Manager: NO
FMM1582I The target set FULL_CLONE will be used for the current backup.
FMM6901I Response to Init request.
FMM6902I Response to Partition request.
FMM4184I CIM Agent version for DS8000: '5.2.0'.
FMM8300I tsmACSPartition() returned with code 0.
FMM6903I Response to Prepare Flash request.
FMM0357I FlashCopy type is 'INCR'.
FMM4190I All source/target pairs are in an incremental FlashCopy relation.
FMM8300I tsmACSPrepare() returned with code 0.
FMM6230I Set table space files in backup mode.
FMM6212I Suspend database.
FMM6905I Response to Flash request.
FMM0589I Flushing the buffers to disk...
FMM4183I Performing INCR FlashCopy of source volume 7511041100C to target volume 75110411021.
FMM4183I Performing INCR FlashCopy of source volume 75110411002 to target volume 7511041100A.
FMM0142I Snapshot started ...
FMM0143I Snapshot successful.
FMM8300I tsmACSSnapshot() returned with code 0.
FMM6214I Resume database.
FMM6231I End backup mode for table space files.
FMM6906I Response to Verify request.
FMM6959I Script 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/oracle/FM1/acs/xpyv/lib /oracle/FM1/acs/fmcima -l /oracle/FM1/acs -N DEVICE_CLASS:CLONEFM1.0 -T 20110519161218 -f backup' returned with code 0.
FMM1232I Executing operation 'forced mount' on host 'fcm2'.
FMM1233I Operation 'forced mount' completed.
FMM8300I tsmACSVerify() returned with code 0.
FMM8300I tsmACSStoreMetaData() returned with code 0.
#SAVED ORCL__A0GNVS54B0 /oracle/FM1/sapdata1/undo_1/undo.data1
FMM8300I tsmACSEndOperation() returned with code 0.
FMM8300I tsmACSTerminate() returned with code 0.
FMM1172I Preparing recovery of database FM1.
FMM4008E File '/dbs/orapwFM2' cannot be opened. Reason: errno(2) No such file or directory
FMM6504E The 'prepare_recovery_clone' request failed.
FMM0020I End of program at: Thu 19 May 2011 04:14:23 PM CEST.
FMM0021I Elapsed time: 02 min 16 sec.
FMM0024I Return code is: 2.
Due to processing by IBM, this request was reassigned to have the following updated attributes:
Brand - Servers and Systems Software
Product family - Storage
Product - Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager
For recording keeping, the previous attributes were:
Brand - Tivoli
Product family - Storage
Product - Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager
duplicate of 11422. please remove.