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Due to processing by IBM, this request was reassigned to have the following updated attributes:
Brand - Servers and Systems Software
Product family - Storage
Product - Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) Family
For recording keeping, the previous attributes were:
Brand - Tivoli
Product family - Storage
Product - Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) Family
I'd like to share a way to achieve different data retention for Fastback/TSM integration for the RFE below. This info was provided to RFE 24223 on the website a few weeks ago, and we need to confirm if you are ok to take this approach. Ursula's team has been working on updates to the rest of Fastback issue as well and she can provide an update on all other issues.
1. Create FastBack Policy Schedule with AdminCenter,
Make it to perform daily backups of some Exchange server with FastBack into TSM Server
A special node will be created for this schedule, it's name will be same as hostname of that Exchange server (e.g. Exchange_node).
2. Manually create two additional nodes:
register node exchange_weekly_node password
register node exchange_monthly_node
3. Grant proxy access for exchange_node:
grant proxy agent=exchange_node target=exchange_weekly_node
grant proxy agent=exchange_node target=exchange_monthly_node
4. Create new policy domains policy_weekly and policy_monthly, associate them with appropriate nodes, use appropriate management classes with appropriate VEREXIST and RETEXTRA values:
copy domain standard policy_weekly
upd copy policy_weekly standard standard type=backup verexists=nolimit retextra=40
act po policy_weekly standard
upd node exchange_weekly_node domain=policy_weekly
copy domain standard policy_monthly
upd copy policy_monthly standard standard type=backup verexists=nolimit retextra=400
act po policy_monthly standard
upd node exchange_monthly_node domain=policy_monthly
5. Define three different schedules on the TSM server (daily, weekly, monthly). For each schedule, include the appropriate -asnode option such as -asnode=exchange_weekly_node so that data will be stored to the correct node and policy domain. Also, the scheduled start times for each schedule must not overlap which can result in schedules being missed.
define schedule standard daily act=??? startt=00:00:00 dur=15 duru=minute schedstyle=enhanced dayofweek=M,TU,W,T,F,SA
define assoc standard daily exchange_node
define schedule standard weekly act=??? opt="-asnode=exchange_weekly_node" startt=00:00:00 dur=15 duru=minute schedstyle=enhanced dayofweek=SU
define assoc standard weekly exchange_node
define schedule standard monthly act=??? opt="-asnode=exchange_monthly_node" startt=03:00:00 dur=15 duru=minute schedstyle=enhanced dayofmonth=-1
define assoc standard daily exchange_node
Best Regards! Xin
Product Manager, Tivoli Storage Manager Portfolio
IBM Almaden Research Center
650 Harry Road, San Jose,
*****I DONT THINK THAT WILL WORK See response below here*********
I think I tried a similar workaround using ASNODE when I was at Admiral and desperately trying to make it work. The method suggested by Xin below does not work. The problem is this bit.
define schedule standard weekly act=??? opt="-asnode=exchange_weekly_node" startt=00:00:00 dur=15 duru=minute schedstyle=enhanced dayofweek=SU
The ‘Action' bit highlighted needs to be ‘Backup Fastback' or rather action= backup subaction=Fastback. When I tried to modify the special 'backup fastback' schedules created by the integration wizard to add an ASNODE I found that this was an usupported combination of options and the schedule fails.
This RFE has been udated to 'Need more information' status. What information is required?
The point of having the TSM/Fastback integration is to have long term data retention and I cannot see how this can be achieved without this modification, unless development can document a workaround.
Attachment (Description): This is screenshot from TSM admin centre Fastback - TSM integration wizard. See how node name is predefined with no option to register different node to store data in TSM