When backing up a virtual machine for which the UUID has changed, the following error is thrown:
ANS4308E Full VM backup of 'Hyper-V' Virtual Machine 'WS50115' failed with RC=4379 mode=Incremental Forever - Incremental, target node name='CLSIM261_HV_TGT', data mover node name='SVSIM1CP_HV_DM'
ANS1715E A file space already exists for virtual machine (WS50115), but with a different virtual machine UUID (5A28306B-3B9A-4DD8-A481-0F4FD6A9D39F) than the current virtual machine UUID (533DB73A-E72F-47D7-B03A-F7EE91EB0A9A).
ANS1228E Sending of object 'WS50115' failed.
ANS5226E The virtual machine backup operation failed.
Even though we are already using the option "TESTFLAG VMBACKUP_UPDATE_UUID" in the options file.
Even more weird: explicitly trying to backup the VM with option "-VMBACKUPUPDATEGUID" results in "license file does not exist or is not valid".
C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient>dsmc.exe backup vm WS50115 -optfile=dsm.SVSIM1CP_HV_DM.opt -asnode=CLSIM261_HV_TGT -vmbackuptype=fullvm -mode=iffull -VMBACKUPUPDATEGUID
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Backup-Archive Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 11.0
Client date/time: 10/29/2021 10:06:44
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2020. All Rights Reserved.
Session established with server ISPCOG01: Windows
Server Version 8, Release 1, Level 12.109
Server date/time: 10/29/2021 10:06:45 Last access: 10/29/2021 10:02:38
Accessing as node: CLSIM261_HV_TGT
ANS2732E The BACKUP VM command failed because the Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V license file does not exist or is not valid.
C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient>
Checking installed IBM products clearly shows "Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V License" is installed!
PS C:\> wmic product get name | Select-String -Pattern "IBM"
IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Framework
IBM Spectrum Protect JVM
IBM Spectrum Protect WebServer
IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Recovery Agent
IBM Spectrum Protect Client
IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V License
IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V
Turns out that the problem has to do with the fact that the previous VM (with original UUID) was decommissioned.
Protect: ISPCOG01>q fil *_HV_TGT *WS50115 f=d
Node Name: CLSIM261_HV_TGT
Filespace Name: \VMFULL-WS50115
Hexadecimal Filespace Name:
FSID: 29
Collocation Group Name:
Platform: TDP HyperV
Filespace Type: API:TSMVM
Decommissioned: Yes
Decommissioned Date: 05-10-2021 04:00:15
After recommissioning the VM and relaunching the backup, it does proceed normally (of course, also displaying the ANS1715E message):
ANS1715E A file space already exists for virtual machine (WS50115), but with a different virtual machine UUID (5A28306B-3B9A-4DD8-A481-0F4FD6A9D39F) than the current virtual machine UUID (533DB73A-E72F-47D7-B03A-F7EE91EB0A9A).
ANS2555W The incremental backup operation was changed to a full backup for virtual machine 'WS50115' because no previous backups are found on the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
Instead of throwing error ANS1715E, the backup should throw a new error along the lines of "Can't backup because virtual machine is decommissioned"!
This request may not be delivered within the release currently under development, but the theme is aligned with the current multi-year strategy. IBM may consider and evaluate any RFE Community feedback for this request through activities such as voting. IBM will update this request in the future.