************************************************** *** ---> SHOW BANNERS ************************************************** ************************************************** *** ---> SHOW PRERELMSG ************************************************** ************************************************** *** ---> SHOW VERSIONHISTORY ************************************************** Date (GMT) Version Pre-release Driver -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- 2018/01/31 09:11:20 2021/06/15 12:48:21 2021/06/15 13:38:16 2023/05/08 10:12:48 ************************************************** *** ---> Q STATUS ************************************************** IBM Spectrum Protect Server for Windows - Version 8, Release 1, Level 16.100 Server Name Server host name or IP address Server TCP/IP port number Crossdefine Server Server Installation Server Restart Authentication Password Invalid Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Password Reuse Registration Subfile Backup Availability Inbound Sessions Outbound Sessions Accounting Activity Log Activity Log Activity Log Activity License Audit Last License Server License Central Maximum Maximum Event Record Client Schedule Query Maximu- Retry Client-side Schedulin- Active Receive- Configuratio- Refresh Last Refresh Context Messaging Table of Machine Globall- Archive Database Total Used Free Encryptio- Client CPU Outbound Replication Target Replication Server Default Replication Rule for Default Replication Rule for Default Replication Rule for Replication LDAP User LDAP Password Default Failover High Level Address Scratchpa- Replicatio- SUR Occup- SUR Reten- SUR Occupancy Front-End Front-End Front-End Capacity Product Offering Command Approval Approver administrators Password Date/Time Date/Time Expiration Sign-on Password Length Password Password Password Password Password Limit Disabled Disabled Retention Number of Size Summary Period Audit Compliance Scheduler Sessions Schedule- Retention Action Randomizatio- Schedul- m Comm- Period Deduplication g Modes rs n manager? interval Date/Time Contents (TOC) y Unique ID Retention Directories Space Space Space n Strength Informatio- Archive Backup Space Management Record Retenti- Set Authentication d retenti- n Recovery ancy (TB) tion Occu- Date/Time Capacity Client Date require approval Set Period Attempt Limit Alphabetic Uppercase Lowercase Numeric Special Records Retention d Sessio- Period Duration n Percentage e Period and Verification Load Retention Protection of Fi- on Fi- Availabl- n Refresh on Period on of Damaged pancy (TB) (MB) Count Characters Characters Characters Characters Characters Period ns Retries Level le Sy- le Sy- e (MB) Interval Files stem stem (MB) (MB) ----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------------ --------------- ------------ -------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------------- ---------- -------- --------- --------------- ---------- ------------- -------- ------- ------ --------------- ---------- --------------- ------------- --------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------- ----------- ------ ------ --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------ --------------- --------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ TSMPRD 1500 Off No 01/31/2018 14:07:05 03/13/2024 17:56:51 On 90 Day(s) 5 8 0 0 0 0 0 12 Closed No Enabled Off 90 Day(s) 905559 27 M 180 Day(s) 30 Day(s) 03/08/2024 Valid Active 150 120 180 Day(s) 5 Day(s) 25 Client Client Client 0 % Any CONSOLE ACTLOG Off 60 Off 120 Minute(s) bd.06.2e.d0.06.- Off D:\TSMDB 189,77 109,05 80,727.55 AES 180 Disabled ALL_DATA ALL_DATA ALL_DATA 30 Day(s) No Local 365 Day(s) On 11.14 0.00 03/13/2024 17:59:32 24,397,658 84 03/17/2024 18:01:36 Off Off 11:50:46 NTEVENTLOG 66.11.e8.97.27- 8.00 0.44 .06 .08.94.ef.54.6- 8.78 ************************************************** *** ---> Q OPTION ************************************************** Server Option Option Setting Server Option Option Setting ------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------- 3494Shared No AcsAccessId ACSInitVolumeUnlock No AcsLockDrive No AcsQuickInit Yes AcsTimeoutX 1 ActiveLogDir K:\Activelog AdminIdleTimeout 15 AdminOnClientPort Yes ADSMGROUPname adsmserver ActiveLogSize 192,512 AdminCommTimeout 60 AliasHalt HALT AllowDESAuth No AllowReorgIndex Yes AllowReorgTable Yes ArchFailOverLogDir ArchiveLogDir M:\Archivelog ArchLogCompress No ArchLogUsedThreshold 80 AssistVCRRecovery Yes AuditStorage Yes BackupInitiationRoot Yes CheckTapePos No CheckTrailerOnFree Yes ChunkDeletionWorkers 20 ClientDedupTxnLimit 5,120 ClientDeployCatalogURL https://public.dhe.- ibm.com/storage/ti- voli-storage-manag- ement/catalog/clie- nt/catalog.json ClientDeployUseLocalCatalog No CloudReadCacheMaxUsage 95 CloudReadCacheRetentionTime 600 CloudReclamationDelay 0 CommMethod TCPIP CommTimeout 3,600 ContainerResourceTimeout 180 DBDiagLogSize 1,024 DBDiagPathFSThreshold 20 DBMemPercent Automatic DBMTCPPort 51,500 DBMTrustedGUIDIgnore Yes DBMTrustedIPAddr DedupRequiresBackup Yes DedupTier2FileSize 100 DedupTier3FileSize 400 DeleteBatchSize 2,400 DevConfig devconf.dat DisableReorgTable DisableScheds No DisplayLFInfo No DNSLookup Yes EnableNasDedup Yes EventServer Yes ExpInterval 24 ExpQuiet No FASPBEGport 15100 FASPENDport 15199 FaspTargetRate 250,000 FFDCLogLevel Warn FFDCLogName dsmffdc.log FFDCMaxLogSize 1,024 FFDCNumLogs 10 FileExit FileTextExit FIPSMode No IdleTimeout 60 ImportMergeUsed Yes IndexReorgPeriod 4 JobRetention Actlog KeepAlive Yes KeepAliveInterval 30 KeepAliveTime 300 LDAP URL Language AMENG LDAPCacheDuration 120 LDAPOverride None MaxSessions 150 Message Interval 1 MessageFormat 1 MirrorLogDir MoveBatchSize 1,000 MoveSizeThresh 4,096 MsgStackTrace Yes NDMPPortRange 0,0 NamedPipeName \\.\PIPE\ADSMPIPE NDMPControlPort 10,000 NDMPKeepIdleMinutes 120 NDMPPrefDataInterface NoPreempt No NPAUDITFailure No NPAUDITSuccess No NoRetrieveDate No NPBUFfersize 8192 NumOpenVolsAllowed 10 perThreadTraceBufferKB 0 PreallocReductionRate 1 QueryAuth None REORGBEGINTIME 06:00 ReorgDuration 24 ReplBatchSize 4,096 ReplSizeThresh 4,096 ReportRetrieve No ReqSysAuthOutfile Yes ResourceTimeout 60 RestHttpsPort 8,443 RestoreInterval 1,440 RetentionExtension 365 RetSetExcludeNode RunOrphanCleanup No RunstatsChkInterval 10 SANdiscovery On SANRefreshTime 0 SearchMPQueue No SECUREPipes No ServerDedupTxnLimit 5,120 SessionServerInitTimeout 25 ShmPort 1 Shredding Automatic SkipOnZeroVerbBackupset No SSLFIPSMODE No SSLInitTimeout 2 SSLTCPADMINPort SSLTCPPort SuppressDupMsg Yes TcpAdminport 1500 TCPNoDelay Yes TcpWindowSize 0 TECHost TECPort 0 TcpPort 1500 TECUTF8Event No ThroughputDataThreshold 0 ThroughputTimeThreshold 0 TxnGroupMax 10 UnicodeEnabled Yes UNIQUETDPTECevents No UNIQUETECevents No UserExit VaryOnSerially No VolumeHistory volhist.dat ************************************************** *** ---> Q PROCESS ************************************************** Process Process Description Job Id Process Status Parent Number Process -------- -------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------- -------- 63 TIER STORAGE POOL 462 Tiering storage pool DEDUPPOOLPRD to tape (SUMMARY) storage pool TAPE_POOL for storage rule DEDUPOOL2TAPE. Tiered Files: 0, Tiered Bytes: 0 bytes, Skipped Files: 0, Total Bytes Transferred: 0 bytes, Elapsed time: 0 Days, 0 Hours, 2 Minutes. 64 Tier Storage Pool Tiering storage pool DEDUPPOOLPRD to tape 63 (Worker) storage pool TAPE_POOL for storage rule DEDUPOOL2TAPE. Currently writing to volume UNKNOWN in drive DRV1, library TS4300, with status UNKNOWN. Tiered Files: 0, Tiering Files: 7, Tiered Bytes: 0 bytes, Tiering Bytes: 87,672,026, Skipped Files: 0, Total Bytes Transferred: 0 bytes, Elapsed time: 0 Days, 0 Hours, 1 Minutes. ************************************************** *** ---> Q SESSION ************************************************** Sess Comm. Sess Wait Bytes Bytes Sess Platform Client Name Number Method State Time Sent Recvd Type ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------- ------- -------- ------------------ 3 SSL Run 0 S 32.9 M 313.0 K Admin DSMAPI IBM-OC-TSMPRD 4 SSL IdleW 3 S 46.4 M 59.0 M Admin DSMAPI IBM-OC-TSMPRD 1,262 SSL IdleW 3 S 34.6 M 42.5 M Admin DSMAPI IBM-OC-TSMPRD 7,194 SSL RecvW 6 S 10.1 K 54.1 G Node TDP MSS- FBL_VGL_DBPR_SQL QL Win- 64 7,195 SSL RecvW 6 S 5.9 K 70.0 G Node TDP MSS- FBL_VGL_DBPR_SQL QL Win- 64 7,196 SSL Run 0 S 6.1 K 111.7 G Node TDP MSS- FBL_VGL_DBPR_SQL QL Win- 64 7,197 SSL RecvW 6 S 6.0 K 69.7 G Node TDP MSS- FBL_VGL_DBPR_SQL QL Win- 64 7,787 SSL Run 0 S 53.4 K 187 Admin WinNT TSMADMIN 7,853 SSL IdleW 9.4 M 155 189 Admin DSMAPI IBM-OC-TSMPRD 7,856 SSL IdleW 4.5 M 155 189 Admin DSMAPI IBM-OC-TSMPRD 7,858 SSL IdleW 50 S 2.1 K 325 Admin DSMAPI TSMADMIN 7,859 SSL Run 0 S 8.1 K 202 Admin WinNT TSMADMIN ************************************************** *** ---> Q DB F=D ************************************************** Databas- Total Space Space Used Free Total Usable Used Free Buffer Total Sort Package Last Database Full Number Incremental- Last Compress Encrypt Protect Database Servermo- e Name Space Used on by Database- Space Pages Pages Pages Pages Pool Buffer Overflows Cache Reorganization Device of Datab- s Since Complete Database Database Master Backup n Total of File File Syst- (MB) Availabl- Hit Rat- Requests Hit Rat- Class ase Back- Last Full Backup Backups Backups Encryptio- Password Used System em(MB) e (MB) io io Name up Strea- Date/Time n Key Set Space (MB) ms (MB) -------- -------- ---------- ------------ --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------------- --------- --------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- TSMDB1 189,778 109,050 108,928 80,728 11,169,7 11,169,0 8,917,81 2,251,20 99.4 10,440,1 0 99.9 03/17/2024 TSMDBBAC- 1 0 03/18/20- No No Yes Yes 3,100 96 20 6 4 42,238 21:50:24 KUP 24 09:0- 0:18 ************************************************** *** ---> Q DBSPACE ************************************************** Location Total Space of Used Space on Free Space(MB) File System File System (MB) (MB) ------------------------------ --------------- --------------- --------------- D:\TSMDB 189,778.00 109,050.44 80,727.55 ************************************************** *** ---> Q LOG F=D ************************************************** Active Log Directory Total Space(MB) Used Space(MB) Free Space(MB) Total Space of Used Space on Free Space on Archive Log Directory Total Space of Used Space on Free Space on Archive Log Compressed Mirror Log Directory Total Space of Used Space on Free Space on Archive Failover Log Directory Total Space of Used Space on Free Space on File System File System File System File System File System File System File System File System File System File System File System File System (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) ---------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- K:\Activelog 192,512 1,890 190,622 204,670.00 192,637.04 12,032.95 M:\Archivelog 614,270.00 1,856.67 612,413.32 No ************************************************** *** ---> Q VOLHIST TYPE=DBB ************************************************** Date/Time Volume Type Backu- Backup Volum- Device Class Volume Name Volume Location Command Databas- Databas- Databas- Database Backup HLA Database Backup LLA Databas- Databas- Databas- Databas- Databas- Databas- p Ser- Operation e Seq e Backu- e Backu- e Backu- e Backu- e Backu- e Backu- e Backu- e Backu- e Backu- ies p ID p ID LOW p Home p Total p total p Block p Block p Strea- p Volum- High Position Data Log Byt- Num High Num Low m Id e Seque- Bytes es (MB) nce for (MB) Stream -------------------- -------------- ------ --------- ------ ------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 03/13/2024 09:37:08 BACKUPFULL 2,012 0 100,00 TSMDBBACKUP J:\TSM_BKP\TSMDB_BKP\10304627- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 100,001 1 .DBV 03/14/2024 09:00:12 BACKUPFULL 2,013 0 100,00 TSMDBBACKUP J:\TSM_BKP\TSMDB_BKP\10388812- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 100,001 1 .DBV 03/15/2024 09:00:08 BACKUPFULL 2,014 0 100,00 TSMDBBACKUP J:\TSM_BKP\TSMDB_BKP\10475207- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 100,001 1 .DBV 03/16/2024 09:00:31 BACKUPFULL 2,015 0 100,00 TSMDBBACKUP J:\TSM_BKP\TSMDB_BKP\10561630- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 100,001 1 .DBV 03/18/2024 09:00:20 BACKUPFULL 2,016 0 100,00 TSMDBBACKUP J:\TSM_BKP\TSMDB_BKP\10734420- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 100,001 1 .DBV ************************************************** *** ---> Q VOLUME ************************************************** ANR2034E QUERY VOLUME: No match found using this criteria. ************************************************** *** ---> Q CONNECTION F=D ************************************************** ANR2034E QUERY CONNECTION: No match found using this criteria. ************************************************** *** ---> Q STGPOOL * F=D ************************************************** Storage Storage Device Storage Connection Name Cloud Storage Class Estimated Space Pct Pct Pct Hig- Lo- Migratio- Migration Migratio- Reclamatio- Next Stora- Reclaim Maximum Access Description Overflow Location Cache Collocate? Reclamatio- Offsite Maximum Number Delay Migration Amount Elapsed Reclamatio- Last Update by Last Upda- Storage Copy Stora- Active Continue CRC Data Reclamatio- Overwrit- Compressed Compressio- Deduplicat- Processes Space Used for Protected Data Total Pending Space Deduplicatio- Total Auto-cop- Contains Maximum Protect Protection Protect Reclamatio- Date of Date of Deduplicat- Encrypted Pct Encr- Cloud Cloud Local Loca- Local Remove Cloud Read Cache Cloud Cloud Pool Name Pool Type Class Name Type Capacity Trigge- Util Migr Logical h M- w n Delay Continue n Proces- n Processes ge Pool Storage Size Migrated n Threshold Reclamatio- Scratch of Scra- Period in Progre- Migrate- Migratio- n in Progr- (administrator) te Date/T- Pool Data ge Pool(s) Data Pool(- Copy on n Type e Data n Savings e Data? For Identi- n Savings Space y Mode Data Dedupl- Simultaneou- Processes Storage Local n Volume Last Protec- Last Protec- e Requires ypted Space Space Estimated l Pc- Pct Restored Data Lock- Data Lock r Util ig Mi- ses Pool Threshold Files? n Limit Volumes tch Vol- for Cont- ss? d (MB) n Time ess? ime Format s) Error? when fying Saved icated by s Writers Pool Storage Limit tion to tion to Backup? Allocated Utilized Capacity t Ut- Logical Cpy Befor- ing Duration Pct g Allowed umes ainer (seconds) Deleted Duplicates Client? Pool(s) Remote Pool Local Pool (MB) (MB) il e End of (Days) Pct Used Reuse Life ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- --------------- ----------------------------- ---------- ------- ----- ----- ------- ---- --- --------- ---------- --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- -------- -------- --------- ---------- -------- --------- ----------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------------------------- ------------------- ------------- -------- --------- ------------ ------------ --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- DEDUPPOOLP- Primary DIRECTORY 12,904 G 77.1 No Limit Read/Write 1 TSMADMIN 09/25/202- Native No Yes 8,387 G Yes 926 G 8,766 G 17,154 No Limit No 0.0 RD 3 10:44:- (48.16%) (33.48%) G (65.- 36 52%) FOREVER_PO- Primary DIRECTORY 1,712 G 83.8 No Limit Read/Write STG POOL for Forever 1 ADMIN 05/08/202- Native No Yes 1,870 G Yes 1,241 G 3,111 G No Limit No 0.0 OL archive data. 3 10:34:- (56.60%) (27.31%) (68.45- 50 %) NOLIMIT_TA- Primary LTO_CLASS DEVCLASS 0.0 M 0.0 0.0 0.0 90 70 0 Yes 1 1 No Limit Read/Write Group 60 2 0 0 Day(s) No 0.00 0 No ADMIN 10/21/202- Native Yes No Threshold No Client No PEPOOL 2 16:19:- 00 TAPE_POOL Primary LTO_CLASS DEVCLASS 0.0 M 0.0 0.0 0.0 90 70 0 Yes 1 1 No Limit Read/Write Group 60 20 0 0 Day(s) No 0.00 0 No ADMIN 11/23/202- Native Yes No Threshold No Client No 0 13:10:- 18 ************************************************** *** ---> Q STGPOOLDIR F=D ************************************************** Storage Pool Name Directory Access Free Space(MB) Total Space(MB) File System Absolute Path Read Cache Space Used (MB) ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------- --------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- DEDUPPOOLPRD H:\DEDUPPOOL1 Read/Write 93,159 4,568,438 H:\ H:\DEDUPPOOL1 0 DEDUPPOOLPRD H:\DISKPOOL\DEDUPPOOL Read/Write 93,159 4,568,438 H:\ H:\DISKPOOL\DEDUPPOOL 0 DEDUPPOOLPRD I:\DEDUPPOOL_CONT Read/Write 4 4,399,999 I:\ I:\DEDUPPOOL_CONT 0 DEDUPPOOLPRD J:\DEDUP_CONT Read/Write 190,804 7,442,300 J:\ J:\DEDUP_CONT 0 DEDUPPOOLPRD O:\DEDUPPOOL Read/Write 994,850 3,325,820 O:\ O:\DEDUPPOOL 0 FOREVER_POOL J:\FOREVER_DISK_CONTAINER Read/Write 190,804 7,442,300 J:\ J:\FOREVER_DISK_CONTAINER 0 FOREVER_POOL I:\FOREVER_DISK_CONTAINER2 Read/Write 4 4,399,999 I:\ I:\FOREVER_DISK_CONTAINER2 0 FOREVER_POOL H:\FOREVER_DISK_CONTAINER3 Read/Write 93,159 4,568,438 H:\ H:\FOREVER_DISK_CONTAINER3 0 ************************************************** *** ---> Q DOMAIN ************************************************** Policy Activate- Activate- Number of Description Domain d Policy d Defaul- Registere- Name Set t Mgmt d Nodes Class --------- --------- --------- ---------- ------------------------ LONGTERM LONGTERM- YEARLY 1 Policy domain for file _FILE level long term backups using the Backup-Archive client NOLIMIT NOLIMIT NOLIMIT 1 STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD 22 Installed default policy domain. ************************************************** *** ---> Q MGMTCLASS ************************************************** Policy Policy Mgmt Default Description Domain Set Name Class Mgmt Clas- Name Name s ? --------- --------- --------- ---------- ------------------------ LONGTERM ACTIVE FOREVER No Archive to deduplicated STG Container storage. Archives retained forever. LONGTERM ACTIVE YEARLY Yes Backup to deduplicated STG Container storage. Backups retained for 365 days. LONGTERM LONGTERM- FOREVER No Archive to deduplicated _FILE STG Container storage. Archives retained forever. LONGTERM LONGTERM- YEARLY Yes Backup to deduplicated _FILE STG Container storage. Backups retained for 365 days. NOLIMIT ACTIVE NOLIMIT Yes NOLIMIT NOLIMIT NOLIMIT Yes STANDARD ACTIVE STANDARD Yes Installed default management class. STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD Yes Installed default management class. ************************************************** *** ---> Q COPYGROUP * * * STANDARD TYPE=BACKUP ************************************************** Policy Policy Mgmt Copy Version- Version- Retain Retain Domain Set Name Class Group s Data s Data Extra Only Name Name Name Exists Deleted Versions Version --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ------- LONGTERM ACTIVE YEARLY STANDARD No Limit No Limit 2 1 LONGTERM LONGTERM- YEARLY STANDARD No Limit No Limit 2 1 _FILE NOLIMIT ACTIVE NOLIMIT STANDARD No Limit No Limit No Limit No Lim- it NOLIMIT NOLIMIT NOLIMIT STANDARD No Limit No Limit No Limit No Lim- it STANDARD ACTIVE STANDARD STANDARD No Limit No Limit 2 1 STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD No Limit No Limit 2 1 ************************************************** *** ---> Q COPYGROUP * * * STANDARD TYPE=ARCHIVE ************************************************** Policy Policy Mgmt Copy Retain Domain Set Name Class Group Version Name Name Name --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- LONGTERM ACTIVE FOREVER STANDARD No Limit LONGTERM ACTIVE YEARLY STANDARD No Limit LONGTERM LONGTERM- FOREVER STANDARD No Limit _FILE LONGTERM LONGTERM- YEARLY STANDARD No Limit _FILE NOLIMIT ACTIVE NOLIMIT STANDARD No Limit NOLIMIT NOLIMIT NOLIMIT STANDARD No Limit STANDARD ACTIVE STANDARD STANDARD No Limit STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD No Limit ************************************************** *** ---> Q SCHEDULE ************************************************** Domain * Schedule Name Action Start Date/Time Duration Period Day ------------ - ---------------- ------ -------------------- -------- ------ --- LONGTERM DAILY_FILE_LEVEL Inc Bk 05/16/2018 17:00:00 1 H (*) STANDARD DLY_FILE_INC Inc Bk 03/12/2018 11:57:00 1 H 1 D Any STANDARD DLY_HOST03_VMS Backu- 02/11/2020 21:00:00 2 H (*) p VM STANDARD DLY_HOST04_VMS Backu- 02/11/2020 23:00:00 2 H (*) p VM STANDARD DLY_PROD_CLUSTE- Backu- 02/11/2020 04:00:00 2 H (*) R2_VMS p VM STANDARD DLY_PROD_CLUSTE- Backu- 02/12/2020 01:00:00 2 H (*) R_VMS p VM STANDARD SQL_FULL_FBLVGL CMD 05/07/2018 03:00:00 1 H (*) STANDARD SQL_FULL_FMSDB01 CMD 05/07/2018 03:00:00 1 H (*) STANDARD SQL_FULL_SCBVGL CMD 05/07/2018 03:00:00 1 H (*) STANDARD SQL_INCR_FBLVGL CMD 05/07/2018 03:00:00 1 H (*) STANDARD SQL_INCR_FMSDB01 CMD 05/07/2018 03:00:00 1 H (*) STANDARD SQL_INCR_SCBVGL CMD 05/07/2018 03:00:00 1 H (*) STANDARD TEST_SCHEDULE_F- CMD 02/02/2019 10:30:00 1 H (*) ULL STANDARD TEST_SCHEDULE_I- CMD 02/02/2019 11:38:00 15 M (*) NCR STANDARD WEEKLY_SATURDAY Backu- 09/12/2020 00:00:00 2 H (*) p VM STANDARD WEEKLY_SUNDAY Backu- 09/13/2020 00:00:00 2 H (*) p VM ANR2662I (*) "Query schedule format=standard" displays an asterisk in the day of week column for enhanced schedules. The period column is blank. Issue "query schedule format=detailed" to display complete information about an enhanced schedule. ************************************************** *** ---> Q ASSOCIATION ************************************************** Policy Domain Name Schedule Name Associated Nodes ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- LONGTERM DAILY_FILE_LEVEL STANDARD DLY_FILE_INC PKKRSVNAPPSVR_BA STANDARD DLY_HOST03_VMS TDPVM_PRODUCTION_SITE_DM STANDARD DLY_HOST04_VMS TDPVM_PRODUCTION_SITE_DM STANDARD DLY_PROD_CLUSTER2_VMS TDPVM_PRODUCTION_SITE_DM STANDARD DLY_PROD_CLUSTER_VMS TDPVM_PRODUCTION_SITE_DM STANDARD SQL_FULL_FBLVGL FBL_VGL_DBPR_SQL STANDARD SQL_FULL_FMSDB01 PKKR_FMS_DB01_SQL STANDARD SQL_FULL_SCBVGL PKKR-FBLVGL-DB_SQL STANDARD SQL_INCR_FBLVGL FBL_VGL_DBPR_SQL STANDARD SQL_INCR_FMSDB01 PKKR_FMS_DB01_SQL STANDARD SQL_INCR_SCBVGL PKKR-FBLVGL-DB_SQL STANDARD TEST_SCHEDULE_FULL STANDARD TEST_SCHEDULE_INCR STANDARD WEEKLY_SATURDAY TDPVM_PRODUCTION_SITE_DM STANDARD WEEKLY_SUNDAY TDPVM_PRODUCTION_SITE_DM ************************************************** *** ---> Q DEVCLASS * F=D ************************************************** Device Device Storag- Device Format Est/Max Mount Moun- Mount Label Prefix Drive Library Directory Server Name Retry Retry Twosided Shared High-leve- Minimum WORM Drive Scaled Primary Secondary Compression Retention Protection Expiratio- Unit Logical Connection Name Cloud Storage Class Last Update by Last Upda- Class Access e Pool Type Capacit- Limit t Wa- Retentio- Letter Period Interval l Address Capacity Encryption Capacity Allocatio- Allocatio- n Date Block (administrator) te Date/T- Name Strategy Count y (MB) it n (min) n (MB) n (MB) Protection ime (min) --------- ---------- ------- --------- ------ -------- ------ ----- --------- ------------ ------ ------------ -------------------- ------------ ------ -------- -------- ------- ---------- -------- ------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----- ---------- --------------- ----------------------------- --------------- ---------- DEDUPPOOL Sequential 0 FILE DRIVE 51,200.0 4,000 I:\DEDUPPOOL No No ADMIN 11/04/202- 0 16:07:- 27 DEDUPPOO- Sequential 0 FILE DRIVE 51,200.0 4,000 H:\DEDUPPOOL1 No No ADMIN 02/02/201- L1 8 16:55:- 40 DISK Random 0 No 01/31/201- 8 14:07:- 05 FILE Sequential 0 FILE DRIVE 100,000. 50 H:\DISKPOOL\DEDUPPO- No No ADMIN 02/02/201- 0 OL 8 15:05:- 50 LTO_CLASS Sequential 2 LTO DRIVE DRIVES 60 60 ADSM TS4300 No Off No TSMADMIN 03/13/202- 4 14:59:- 07 TSMDBBAC- Sequential 0 FILE DRIVE 1,048,57 3 J:\TSM_BKP\TSMDB_BKP No No ADMIN 07/28/202- KUP 6.0 2 14:50:- 43 ************************************************** *** ---> Q LIBRARY F=D ************************************************** Library Name Library AC- Private Scratch WORM External RSM Media Shared LanFree ObeyMountRetention Primary Library Manager WWN Serial Number AutoLabel Reset Drives Relabel ZosMedia Last Update by Last Update Type S Category Category Scratch Manager Type Scratch (administrator) Date/Time Id Category ------------ ---------- --- -------- -------- -------- -------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ----------------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ---------- --------------- ------------------ TS4300 SCSI Yes 55L3A78018M6L- Yes Yes No TSMADMIN 03/13/2024 L01 15:08:32 ************************************************** *** ---> Q DATAMOVER TYPE=NAS F=D ************************************************** ANR2034E QUERY DATAMOVER: No match found using this criteria. ************************************************** *** ---> SHOW DEDUPDELETEINFO ************************************************** **** Dedup Deletion General Status **** Number of worker threads : 8 Number of active worker threads : 0 Number of suspended workers : 0 Number of workers to suspend : 0 Number of chunks waiting in queue : 0 Total number of chunks processed : 0 **** Dedup Deletion Worker Info **** Worker thread 1 is not active Worker thread 2 is not active Worker thread 3 is not active Worker thread 4 is not active Worker thread 5 is not active Worker thread 6 is not active Worker thread 7 is not active Worker thread 8 is not active ------------------------------------------ Total worker chunks queued : 0 Total worker chunks deleted: 0 **** Fragment Deletion Status **** Number of busy threads: 0 Number of idle threads: 6 Number of entries queued: 0 ************************************************** *** ---> Q DIRSPACE ************************************************** Device Directory Estimate- Estimate- Class Name d Capaci- d Availa- ty ble ------------ ---------------------------------------- --------- --------- DEDUPPOOL I:\DEDUPPOOL 4,296 G 4 M DEDUPPOOL1 H:\DEDUPPOOL1 4,461 G 93,159 M FILE H:\DISKPOOL\DEDUPPOOL 4,461 G 93,159 M TSMDBBACKUP J:\TSM_BKP\TSMDB_BKP 7,267 G 190,804 M ************************************************** *** ---> Q REPLRULE ************************************************** Replication Rule Name Target Replication Server Active Enabled Only ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ACTIVE_DATA Yes Yes ACTIVE_DATA_HIGH_PRIORITY Yes Yes ALL_DATA No Yes ALL_DATA_HIGH_PRIORITY No Yes ANR1999I QUERY REPLRULE completed successfully. ************************************************** *** ---> Q STGRULE F=D ************************************************** Storage Rule Target Storage Target Server Action Active Storage Maximum Start Dela- Duration Description Audit Audi- Node Name Filespace names Name Type Code Type Percen- Last Exe Maximum Extent Transfe- Source Storage Name Pool Name Type Type Processes Time y (i- Type t Le- t Unus- Date/Time Sessions Validation r Method Pools n da- vel ed ys) --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- ------ ---------- --------- --------- ----- -------- ----------- --------- ----- --------------- --------------- --------- ------------ ------- --------- -------- ---------- -------- --------------- DEDUPOOL2TAPE TAPE_POOL TierByS- Yes LTO 1 09:15:00 2 240 03/18/20- DEDUPPOOLPRD tate 24 11:2- 9:49 ************************************************** *** ---> Q SERVER ************************************************** ANR2034E QUERY SERVER: No match found using this criteria. ************************************************** *** ---> select node_name,NODETYPE,platform_name,CLIENT_OS_NAME,CLIENT_OS_LEVEL,REG_TIME,LASTACC_TIME,CONCAT(CLIENT_VERSION,CONCAT(CLIENT_RELEASE,CONCAT(CLIENT_LEVEL,CLIENT_SUBLEVEL))) AS CLIENT_VRMF,DEDUPLICATION,SESSION_INITIATION,COMPRESSION,COLLOCGROUP_NAME FROM NODESVIEW ORDER BY NODE_NAME ************************************************** NODE_NAME NODETYPE PLATFORM_NAME CLIENT_OS_NAME CLIENT_OS_LEVEL REG_TIME LASTACC_TIME CLIENT_VRMF DEDUPLICATION SESSION_INITIATION COMPRESSION COLLOCGROUP_NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------- ------------ -------------------------------- FBL_VGL_DBPR_BA CLIENT WinNT WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.00 2019-02-02 18:27:08.000000 2024-03-06 10:09:29.000000 81140 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT FBL_VGL_DBPR_SQL CLIENT TDP MSSQL Win64 WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.00 2019-02-02 18:27:19.000000 2024-03-18 03:00:31.000000 81140 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT PKKR-BKP-SV01_BA CLIENT WinNT WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.00 2018-01-31 15:28:39.000000 2024-03-13 18:16:02.000000 81100 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT PKKR-FBLVGL-DB_BA CLIENT WinNT WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.00 2021-01-28 16:31:13.000000 2024-03-07 21:15:52.000000 81140 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT PKKR-FBLVGL-DB_SQL CLIENT WinNT WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.00 2021-01-28 16:32:10.000000 2024-03-18 03:08:35.000000 81140 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT PKKR-VGL-DB01-NOLIMIT CLIENT WinNT WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 6.03 2022-10-21 15:29:46.000000 2022-10-27 10:50:39.000000 81140 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT PKKRSVNAPPSVR_BA CLIENT WinNT WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.00 2018-02-06 16:37:50.000000 2024-03-13 11:58:35.000000 8140 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT PKKRTSMVESV01_BA CLIENT TDP VMware WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 6.03 2018-04-04 15:12:18.000000 2022-09-01 12:43:41.000000 81100 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT PKKR_FMS_DB01_BA CLIENT WinNT WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.00 2019-01-31 17:19:13.000000 2024-03-14 01:14:45.000000 81140 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT PKKR_FMS_DB01_SQL CLIENT WinNT WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.00 2019-01-31 17:19:35.000000 2024-03-18 09:26:26.000000 81140 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT PKKR_WEBIMS_DB_BA CLIENT WinNT WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.00 2018-07-05 16:53:41.000000 2024-03-01 18:39:13.000000 81140 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT PKKR_WEBIMS_DB_SQL CLIENT TDP MSSQL Win64 WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 6.03 2018-07-05 17:22:48.000000 2022-08-30 11:44:03.000000 81140 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT SFTP_BA CLIENT WinNT WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 6.03 2018-05-22 10:46:49.000000 2024-02-22 00:40:10.000000 8140 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT TDPVM_LOCAL_MP_LNX CLIENT 2018-09-19 16:49:12.000000 2018-09-19 16:49:12.000000 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT TDPVM_LOCAL_MP_WIN CLIENT TDP VMware WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.00 2018-09-19 16:49:13.000000 2024-03-16 04:06:48.000000 81170 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT TDPVM_PRODUCTION_SITE CLIENT TDP VMware WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 6.03 2018-09-19 16:49:12.000000 2024-03-18 11:26:32.000000 81100 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT TDPVM_PRODUCTION_SITE_DM CLIENT TDP VMware WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.00 2018-09-19 16:49:12.000000 2024-03-18 10:32:30.000000 81170 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT TDPVM_TDP_DR_SITE CLIENT 2018-03-19 16:31:54.000000 2018-03-19 16:31:54.000000 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT TDPVM_VC10.22.47.161 CLIENT 2018-09-19 16:49:12.000000 2018-09-19 16:49:12.000000 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT TDPVM_VMCLI CLIENT TDP VMware WIN:Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.00 2018-09-19 16:49:13.000000 2024-03-18 11:26:32.000000 81170 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT TDP_LOCAL_MP_LNX CLIENT 2018-03-30 19:20:07.000000 2018-03-30 19:20:07.000000 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT TDP_LOCAL_MP_WIN CLIENT WinNT WIN:Windows Server 2012 6.02 2018-03-30 19:20:07.000000 2018-10-18 11:01:16.000000 8100 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT TDP_VC10.22.47.161 CLIENT 2018-03-30 19:20:07.000000 2018-03-30 19:20:07.000000 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT TDP_VMCLI CLIENT TDP VMware WIN:Windows Server 2012 6.02 2018-03-30 19:20:07.000000 2018-09-19 16:47:08.000000 8100 ClientOrServer ClientOrServer CLIENT ************************************************** *** ---> select platform_name,count(*) as "NODECOUNT" from nodesview group by platform_name ************************************************** PLATFORM_NAME NODECOUNT ------------------ ------------ TDP MSSQL Win64 2 TDP VMware 6 WinNT 11 5 ************************************************** *** ---> select stgpool_name,devclass_name,count(*) as "VOLUMES" from volumes group by stgpool_name,devclass_name ************************************************** ANR2034E SELECT: No match found using this criteria. ************************************************** *** ---> select volume_name, stgpool_name, last_write_date, last_read_date from volumes where (access='DESTROYED' or access='UNAVAILABLE' or error_state='YES') ************************************************** ANR2034E SELECT: No match found using this criteria. ************************************************** *** ---> select avg(cast (pct_reclaim as smallint)) as "RECLAIM PCT",stgpool_name as "STGPOOL" from volumes where pct_reclaim>1 group by stgpool_name ************************************************** ANR2034E SELECT: No match found using this criteria. ************************************************** *** ---> select stgpool_name, type, state, count as CONTAINER_COUNT, sum(CAST (free_space_mb AS BIGINT) ) as FREE_SPACE_MB, sum(CAST(total_space_mb AS BIGINT)) as TOTAL_SPACE_MB, sum(CAST(cloud_space_mb AS BIGINT)) as CLOUD_SPACE_MB, sum(CAST(used_space_mb AS BIGINT)) as USED_SPACE_MB from CONTAINERSUMMARYVIEW group by (stgpool_name,type,state) ************************************************** STGPOOL_NAME TYPE STATE CONTAINER_COUNT FREE_SPACE_MB TOTAL_SPACE_MB CLOUD_SPACE_MB USED_SPACE_MB -------------------------------- --------- ------------ ---------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- DEDUPPOOLPRD DEDUP AVAILABLE 1174 1719870 11913119 DEDUPPOOLPRD DEDUP PENDING 1 10240 10240 DEDUPPOOLPRD NONDEDUP AVAILABLE 60 13067 23133 FOREVER_POOL DEDUP AVAILABLE 147 44 1466610 FOREVER_POOL NONDEDUP AVAILABLE 3 1236 3071 ************************************************** *** ---> Q REPLSERVER ************************************************** Replication Globally Unique ID Server Name Storage Rule Name Last Replication Heartbeat Failover Failover Failover Deletion in Dissimilar High Level TCP Port SSL Port Progress Policies Address Number Number ----------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ c2.9f.22.c0.06.66.11.e8. TSMPRD 1500 No ************************************************** *** ---> Q RETRULE F=D ************************************************** ANR2034E QUERY RETRULE: No match found using this criteria. ************************************************** *** ---> Q RETSET state=valid listvolume=yes ************************************************** ANR2034E QUERY RETSET: No match found using this criteria. ************************************************** *** ---> Q MONITORSETTINGS ************************************************** Monitor Status Status Refresh Status Retenti- Monitor Alert Update Alert to Email Send Alert Alert from Alert SMTP Host Alert SMTP Port Alert Active Alert Inactive Alert Closed Monitoring Monitored Group Monitored At-Risk Skipped files At-Risk Skipped files At-Risk Skipped files At-Risk Deployment Maximum Deploy Package Security Security Security Interval on (Hours) Message Alerts Interval Summary to Email Address Duration Duration Duration Admin Servers Interval for as At-Risk for Interval for as At-Risk for Interval for as At-Risk for Interval for Repository Deployment Manager Notification Notification Notification (Minutes) (Minutes) Administrators (Minutes) (Minutes) (Minutes) Applications Applications? Virtual Virtual Systems Systems? Object Clients Packages Last Update Last Update Machines Machines? Admin Date/Time --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- On 5 48 On 10 On ADMIN tsmadmin@euron- pkkr-smtp-svr0- 25 480 480 60 IBM-OC-TSMPRD 168 Yes 168 Yes 168 Yes 24 4 On On etpakistan.com 2.enpk.com.pk